Friday, November 29, 2019

A retaining wall for the transfer track

While the trestle is under construction I thought I'd get started on the scenery on the other end of the layout, where there is a transfer track to shift cargo between the narrow gauge and standard gauge.  The narrow gauge track is elevated by a scale 18" to facilitate the transfer, and I wanted a low stone retaining wall to separate the two tracks.  I was going to cast it in plaster like the trestle abutments but decided to try carving it from basswood instead, since I had basswood strips in the right size lying around. The blocks were carved with an X-acto knife and then textured by tapping the strips with a hammer:

Here's a photo taken from the back of the layout showing how the wall looks after painting and installation. It also shows the ballast mix I'm experimenting with, which is two parts "pit run" to one part "NP gray" from Arizona Rock and Mineral.

For the transfer crane, I am using the Walthers "LCL container terminal" gantry crane but placing it on a fixed foundation rather than rails.  In the following photo it is set in place temporarily as it is only half-finished. The kit is designed with metal walkways, which I am covering with stripwood for a more rustic look.

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