Saturday, March 9, 2019

Work caboose

Here's a second caboose for my roster - a Mount Blue Model Co. kit for a SR&RL work caboose.  It will be #11 on my roster, although for now I'm leaving it unlettered - like the prototype, apparently.  It makes a good complement to caboose 10.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Let's see, where was I...

It’s been nearly a year since I last posted anything here, mostly because I haven’t been able to do much modeling due to work, house repairs, the kids' activities, etc.  I’m slowly getting back to the bench, though, and should be posting more in the near future.  On my list for the next few months are finishing the freight house, building a station and several freight car kits I picked up from Mt. Blue at the recent Springfield show, installing the turntable, starting the scenery, and finishing the road’s first locomotive and passenger car.  Lots to do - stay tuned!