Sunday, December 15, 2024

Kingfield Powder House

I have a bunch of kits waiting to be built, some for the new Monson RR layout and others for a potential future SR&RL layout.  I built this one a couple of years ago but never got around to posting photos. It's the Kingfield powder house kit from Portland Locomotive Works.  The prototype was located north of the SR&RL engine house for most of its life. 

The kit went together quickly, beginning with framing out and installing the windows and doors. Here you can see the interior dividing wall too, along with the rafters and trim pieces.  

The window frames, doors, and trim were painter after the walls were assembled.  The shingle material for the walls was painted to represent weathered cedar before cutting the strips from the sheet. A few strips were given minimal weathering to go under the eaves, where they would have some protection from the elements, and the lowest were weathered more heavily to go near the ground.

The roof was covered with the "rolled roofing" strips provided in the kit. I dusted the roof with some "medium gray" weathering powder from Monroe Models. 

The powder house and the other Kingfield structures I've built are now on permanent loan to another modeler, so I'm looking forward to seeing them on his layout at some point.