Thursday, October 12, 2017

"Prototype" tour, part two

Continuing from the last post, thus far my imaginary StGRR right of way has paralleled what is now route 131. Continuing south down the St George Peninsula, the track hugs the shore around a large cove before moving across the peninsula toward Tenant’s Harbor (or “Tennants” as it was apparently spelled in the early 1900s). At this point route 131 turns east to take a broad S curve into town, but this route is too hilly for a railroad, so I looked for a different approach.

From what I can surmise from topo maps and my tour of the area, the most practical path for a railroad to reach the town would have been to head south from this point to follow a stream that runs into town from the north. This stream broadens into a marsh before emptying into the harbor. This area, which the locals appropriately call The Marsh, is shown in the following photo which is looking north from Main Street. The cutting shed shown on the track plan would be to the right of this photo - a bit outside of the town itself.

The marsh passes under Main Street and empties into a cove on Tenant's Harbor, shown  in the next photo.  The StGRR would have run along the side of this cove before turning to the left to its terminus in town.  That curve is included in the track plan, and leads to the railroad facilities and granite wharf.

That's it for the tour.  It should give you a sense of the landscape the railroad is supposed to run through.  I will return to modeling in the next post!

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